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  • “This course and the teacher are very good. I understand everything and the atmosphere is really good. I enjoyed this course; I hope the next class will be very good and useful to me.”
  • “I come from Bangladesh and I was not good at speaking English. Now I am better at English because it is easier for me to communicate with my teacher. My classmates are very good, I am happy to learn.”
  • “I really enjoy the class; the teacher is always very attentive and I would like to continue coming to classes to improve my English.”
  • “I am very happy about this course, it was helpful. The teacher is cool and helpful. Me and my friends were like a family, thank you for all of the support during this course.”​
  • “I would like to learn ESOL Level 1 English because my English language needs to improve as well as my confidence. I like this English course; my classmates are friendly and my teacher is kind and very helpful, the way they teach is fantastic.”
  • “I gained a lot of confidence in myself.”
  • “With the help of the course I have passed my exams for my Security course for work.”
  • ‘’ I did not speak English before. I can speak now.”

Survey analysis for courses conducted in Merton

​​​​​​Survey analysis for courses conducted for Step2Skills

​​Survey analysis for courses conducted in Southall

Learner Voice

  • 100% of the students surveyed found the teaching on the course to be excellent/very good.
  • Out of the Students surveyed, 95% found the tutors feedback to be excellent/very good.
  • 90% of students found the support they received to be excellent/very good.          
  • 95% of students found the tutors explanation of what they needed to achieve was excellent/very good.
  • 100% of students thought the enrolment process to be excellent/very good.
  • 90% of the students surveyed felt their confidence improve.           
  • 92% of students developed better communication/language skills out of the students who answered.     
  • 100% of students received advice regarding their future     
  • 90% of students were aware of the safeguarding arrangements     
  • 100% of students felt safe whilst carrying out any activities for this course 
  • 100% of students would recommend Merton to others.        

​​​​​​Comments for Step2Skills learners (Adult education division of Herts County Council):

  • 100% of learners have felt ATN as a safe place to learn.
  • 85.5% confirmed that their Personal health and well- being improved after the course thus confirming that the programmes supported learners’ understanding of how to keep physically healthy.
  • 80% of learners confirmed that their Digital skills improved after the course which supports their development of skills for work and further learning
  • 88% of learners have agreed that the course contributed very much towards their personal goals, work goals or learning goals.
  • 88.5% confirmed that their Self Confidence had improved.
  • 85.5% confirmed that their Personal health and well- being improved after the course.
  • 100% felt safe in class.
  • 88.5% confirmed that the course has contributed to personal, work or learning goals.
  • 90% confirmed that Quality of IAG before the course was excellent.
  • 91% confirmed that Quality of Teaching on the course was excellent.
  • 85% confirmed that the Learning Environment was conducive to picking up skills.
  • 91% confirmed that Support during the course was excellent.​
  • 83% confirmed that their overall satisfaction was excellent.
  • “I didn’t know tenses, but now I can understand 70% more.”​
  •  “I have never spoken English before, I am speaking now.”

Comments by learners at ATN Merton

  • 98.3% found the advice and guidance they received prior to enrolment to be outstanding.
  • 97.9% rated the quality of teaching received on this course as outstanding.
  • The percentage of students who found the achievement of personal learning goals as outstanding are 97.9%.
  • 97.5% of students rate the quality of assessment procedure as outstanding.
  • 99.17% rate the quality of support, advice and guidance received outstanding.
  • 98.3% rate the quality of resources including the course notes and handouts as outstanding.
  • The training venue and facilities were rated outstanding by 90.4% of the students.
  • 98.7% rate the safety and respect you experienced during the course as outstanding.
  • After taking into consideration everything above, 98.3% of the students rated the overall course as outstanding.​
  • 99.5% of students would you rate improvement of self-confidences during the course as outstanding.99.17% of students rate development of well-being during this course as outstanding

Comments at ATN Southall for Harrow Richmond Uxbridge College (HRUC) learners

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